For employees

Do you have a question about how we work or our services? On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

At SAAMwerkt! you will find plenty of vacancies in various sectors. But we do more. Do you need help writing your CV? Do you want tips for your cover letter? At SAAMwerkt! you get the help you need to find the job you want.

Before you can go to your first day of work, we need a few details from you:

- Your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address

- A valid passport or identity card (no driving licence)

- Your BSN number and your bank account number

- Your education, work experience and skills. 

- Whether you have previously accrued pension through another employment agency? Do you have a CV, diplomas and certificates? Then send these along

Before you start working, you sign the employment contract. This contains the most important conditions for you as a temporary worker.

There are rules attached to working as a temporary worker that companies, temporary workers and SAAMwerkt! must comply with.


    • We inform you of the most important rules of the company you will be working for. Think working hours, house rules, working conditions and safety regulations. So you know what to expect.
    • Don't like the job? Or is there something else going on that makes you uncomfortable? Then we will help you. For example, by mediating at your current job or looking for another job. Never stop working without talking to us first. 
  • If we offer you a job, you choose whether to accept it.

The moment you start working, the so-called hirer's remuneration applies. This means that you are entitled to the same pay as someone who is a permanent employee of the company doing the same work. 

There is one exception. If you fall into the so-called allocation target group, the ABU remuneration may apply to you. You fall within the allocation target group if you are distanced from the labour market and/or do not have a starting qualification, but will be following a suitable training course via us. Your contract will state which remuneration scheme applies to you.

You certainly can. We have long employed people from different European countries. They work for our clients through us. Interested in getting a job through SAAMwerkt! Contact us and we will look for a job together.

For employers and employees, we arrange all practical matters. We help international staff find accommodation, arrange transport, a bank account number, municipal matters, health insurance and government benefits. You don't have to worry about that. And it gives employees peace of mind to start working for you.

As soon as a group of employees from abroad starts working for a company, we always send a cooperating foreman along. He or she speaks the language, trains the international employees and is your first point of contact. That saves training time. Once the group can start working independently, the foreman transfers his role to one of the employees. 

And if you want to get in touch with one of our people in the office, you can always reach us.

Yes, SAAMwerkt! works with international employees from different countries. We offer each employee a contract in his or her own language. All accompanying documents are also in the employee's language.

Yes, we hold VCU certification. This guarantees that our temporary employees are well informed about the health and safety risks of a technical profession. They also receive extensive information on personal protective equipment.

Yes, our various houses in the region for international employees comply with the SNF seal of approval. That quality mark shows that our residences are safe, hygienic and offer plenty of privacy. Every year, the Foundation for Standardisation and Flex Living monitors homes for international employees.

Yes. With the NEN 4400 standard we show that we have our (financial) affairs in order. Think of the correct declaration and payment of payroll tax, turnover tax and social security contributions, wage payments that do not violate the law, but also carrying out identity and work permit checks. And very important: applying the correct collective labour agreement.

Wondering which other certifications we have? You can find them on the certifications page.

SAAMwerkt! for jobseekers

We help you find your next job in a personal way

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"Find out how SAAMwerkt! can help you find the perfect job. Contact us today and take the first step towards your dream job!"

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