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saamwerkt ronald braken
Veldhoven/ Nuenen

Vacancy Environmental Services employee

This is what you will do As a central desk for work in the Eindhoven region, this organisation develops and mediates people with a distance to the labour market to, on and in work. They focus on various forms of subsidised employment. From people...
By arrangement

Apprentice landscaper

What are you going to do? Are you a go-getter and enjoy working outdoors? Then we have the job for you! You will support the gardener with all common tasks such as weeding, mowing, pruning and hauling tiles, poles, trees,...
By arrangement
32- 40 hours per week
Son en Breugel

Vacancy (Apprentice) employee in Green Work

What are you going to do? Do you have green fingers? SAAMwerkt! Personeelsdiensten is looking for someone for a landscaping company who enjoys working outdoors all year round to learn the fine craft of landscaping. What will you do? Together with your...
2,350- 2,575 p.m. at 40 hours
24- 32 hours per week

Vacancy Cooperating Foreman Green

What are we looking for? Are you a foreman who stands firmly on his feet? Do you enjoy working with target groups who have a distance to the labour market and is working in a green environment your passion? Then we are looking for...
3,000 - 3,215 p.m. at 36 hours.
36 hours per week

Vacancy Cooperating Foreman Green

What are we looking for? As the central desk for work in Eindhoven region, this organisation develops and mediates people with a distance to the labour market to, on and in work. They focus on various forms of subsidised employment....
2,500- 3,420 p.m. at 38 hours.
38 hours per week